Join facebook to connect with sofie peeters and others you may know. Peeters is seen walking around the neighborhood that. She caught the sexism on tape, confronted the offenders and questioned women about how they deal with this problem. I know that may sound a little odd for this blog, but this is just too important not to post. When sofie peeters moved to brussels for a film degree, she found herself confronted with a depressing problem almost every time she left her front door. Jul 27, 2012 college student sofie peeters decided to focus her thesis on sexism in the streets of brussels aka street harassment and created a documentary about it. Last week a documentary by belgian film student sofie peeters made the headlines across europe. Today i want to share with you one of the worst things about brussels. Belgium film on street harassment strikes a chord across europe. She had moved to brussels for these studies, where she was harassed on a daily basis by men on the streets.
It has also sparked activity on the twitter hash tag. On a daily basis, she was treated with disregard by strange men in the streets. Aug 03, 2012 when sofie peeters moved to brussels for a film degree, she found herself confronted with a depressing problem almost every time she left her front door. Deze documentaire van sofie peeters sloeg in als een bom. She decided to film those experiences and turn them into a documentary on sexual street harassment. Belgian film maker sofie peeters has made a film about her experiences of street harassment in brussels, belgium. After it was shown on tv and at a screening last week it has become an internet success and triggered a public debate. She caught the sexism on tape, confronted the offenders and. College student sofie peeters decided to focus her thesis on sexism in the streets of brussels aka street harassment and created a documentary about it. Two years ago, master student documentary film sofie peeters moved to brussels.
Sofie peeters, une jeune belge, denonce le harcelement dans. The film about sexual harassment in the streets of. Street harassment highlighted by belgian film maker triple f. It runs for 25 minutes and deals with the subject of sexual harassment against women in the city of brussels. Ze werd er op straat onverwacht geconfronteerd met een seksistisch fenomeen. Voor haar studies was zij naar brussel verhuisd, waar zij op een dagelijkse basis te maken kreeg met seksuele intimidatie op straat. May 20, 2012 belgian film maker sofie peeters has made a film about her experiences of street harassment in brussels, belgium. Sofie peeterss account of everyday sexist insults women face triggers. Als jonge vrouw is het in brussel soms geen pretje. Voor haar studies was zij naar brussel verhuisd, waar zij op een dagelijkse. Not only in her native country belgium, but also across the borders. In 2010, master student documentary film sofie peeters moved to brussels. Belgium film on street harassment strikes a chord across. Sofie peeters, the author of this documentary, was a student of audiovisual arts at royal institute for theatre, cinema and sound ritcs at the time of filming.
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